Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's
always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's
always there
E poi ti assalgono i ricordi, tra vecchie compagnie, chitarra e musica, cantando a squarcia gola gli Iron Maiden, uno dei miei gruppi preferiti da sempre! Come pensate abbia reagito quando ho trovato questo vestito allo store di H&M a Barcellona? :D
Ecco come ho deciso di indossarlo! Rimanendo sui toni del grigio e rosso, accostamento di colori che mi piace tantissimo! Che ne pensate?
Buona domenica!!!
Then you think about old time, with old friends, guitars and music, singing loudly the Iron Maiden, one of my favourite music groups ever! How do you think i reacted when I saw this dress? :D
Here is how I wear it, playing with grey and red colors, which i like really much! What do you think about it?
Have a nice sunday!!!
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